we will help you
every step of the way
Before Ship Arrival
While your ship is sailing to our port, we will be working on all the necessary permissions and arrangements to receive her and make the port authorities visit for the Free Pratique without any delay.
We will keep constant communication with the Master of the Ship in order to receive the vessel sailing status an ETA in order to report that information to the shore parties.
We will also support him or her with the information requested in order to inform the port restriction, regulations and risks, options for medical assistance, provisions providers and any other request he may has on the date of the ship arrives and during the operation at the port.
We will communicate to the terminal and cargo suppliers all the necessary information needed regarding previous cargo, ETA, documentation, last port call information and any other regulatory or mandatory data in order to improve the times and make possible starting the loading or unloading operation on time and within the agreed and expected schedule.
Before your ship arrives, Abordo International Shipping Group Inc. will be working with all the involved parties in order to have all ready for your safe arrival and stay because our compromise is to bring you the best service of Shipping Agency at the highest level
During Ship Operation
Once your ship is docked, our operation team will be working in connection with the terminal in order to follow up every step before the loading/unloading operation starts.
We will assist the Captain during the Key Meeting in order to support him or her with the documentation and the forms requested by ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security), Loading Master, Port Authorities, Migration, Customs, Surveyors and Harbor Master representative.
We will advise the Master regarding any particular Safety and Operation information of the terminal as well as any special measurement to be taken during its stay and operation.
We will keep you constantly informed by email of the operation development and of any unexpected stoppage or delay that may need your attention. However, we will be also supporting you and the Captain to solve ASAP such event if happen.
Our main objective as your selected Shipping Agency is your tranquility. And our compromise is to keep a safe and timely operation in order to allow the ship to arrive, load/unload the cargo and leave the port within the planned time and without any incident.
Before Sailing
After finishing loading/unloading we will be there to support the Captain during the process of cargo certification, calculation and documentation.
We will keep you posted regarding any requirement or confirmation of the Bill of Lading content.
We will coordinate with Cargo Surveyors and the Terminal the sampling process and measurement in order to avoid any delay.
Our operation representative will be on board also during the documents signing.
The port clearance will be ready at the moment of all the cargo documentation is done.
We will be on board until the Captain confirm that his ship is in all senses ready to sail.
After that, we will submit to you by email the Statement of Facts and all the documentation of the cargo.
At the moment our objectives must have been achieved and we will be proud of had been your Shipping Agency and work for you!
Maneuvaring Coordination
We will coordinate the Pilot, Tugboats and Pilot Boat to be just on time in order to assist the safe maneuvering of your ship in our port.
Safe Terminal Operation
We will coordinate with the Terminal every necessary step in order to allow your ship to be docked on time and within the planned schedule.
Nominate us...
Please submit an email to us with your requirement and our commercial team will contact you immediately in order to attend your request.